Manland School, Harpenden 1966-1973

From 1964 to 1966 I went to the Grove Road Primary School, which was brand new at the time. The headmaster there didn't like me and made sure I went to the toughest secondary school in the town, which was Manland School. Back then it was a tough school but a group of young teachers were really improving the academic standards. A sixth form block was built in 1971 and I was fortunate to enjoy that facility for a year, leaving in 1973 with 3 A Levels. I was later told by one of the school governors that I was the first pupil ever from Manland to go on to university full-time and get a four-year degree. I was also the first pupil there to get 3 A Levels and the first to drive to school every day in a car, a 1959 Morris Minor. So Manland worked out very well for me.

Here's a test of your memory - who are the students in these 1968 and 1969 photos?

The main school building, built in 1939 and still in use.

I was a very diligent student, recording my examination results every year.

Here's a book I selected as an academic prize for history in 1969. The headmaster in the 1960s was Mr. Bloxham. His nickname was "Beak".


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