A Morris
(Published in "Minor News",
March/April 1992)

The first Morris Minor in
the Winkworth family was bought by myself in March 1972, just as the last brand
new Minors were being sold in British Leyland showrooms. It was a 1959 2-door
saloon in running condition, for the princely sum of £70 (about $140). The sum
was princely because I was only 17 at the time and was still in the English
equivalent of High School. I learned to drive on this car, my father assisting
by sitting beside me in the car every evening as I drove through the English
countryside with my "L (learner) plate on the car. Unfortunately, the
payment for his presence in the car was that when we came across a field of cows
or horses he would leap out and collect a bucket of dung for his roses. It was
always an aromatic experience!
Being impressed with the value for money the Minor gave, my father sold his
aging Rover 120 and purchased a 1965 Minor Traveller later in 1972, then
upgraded to a 1967 Traveller in better condition the following year . Meanwhile
my 1959 Saloon, followed by two other Minor saloons (£60 and £15) saw me
safely through 6 years of school and college motoring. The most students I ever
carried in the Minor was 6 - acceleration and braking were both pitifully slow
with that load. Of course, back then in
you could buy a drivable Minor for as little as £50, and a good parts car for
£10 or less. Having now caught the Minor bug, we bought and parted out 4 or 5
vehicles, ending up with a comprehensive collection of spare parts. When
something failed on one of our Minors, it was standard operating practice to
just grab an extra part and swap it on, no matter whether it was a light bulb or
a gearbox. The mechanical simplicity of the Minor encouraged such easy and
inexpensive fixes.
By 1976, my father had realized that with 3 teenage boys in the family, he
needed something larger than a Minor, and purchased one of its bigger brothers,
a 1964 Morris
. The
was a very comfortable car, lots of interior space and the "B" series
engine had the same near legendary reliability as the “A” series in the
Minor. However, as my brother was now learning to drive, we also purchased
another Minor, a 1967 Saloon, in excellent condition for £400. In 1978, the
opportunity arose for me to buy an immaculate 1970 Morris
, and thus I also moved up, selling my Minor. This left us with two Oxfords and
a Minor, but in the following year both my brothers purchased their own Minors,
one a 1968 Saloon for £40 and one a 1972 ex-Post Office van, which was quickly
changed from a faded yellow to a trendy black and orange. One thing we quickly
found out was that the differential ratio of 5.37 in the van effectively limits
one to 55mph, and a swap with a 4.22 ratio differential from a 1098cc Saloon
made a big improvement. Of course, there was much effort expended on restoring
the Minors, but little money was required, a point keenly appreciated by the 3
sons. And so that brings us to this 1979 photo of the family fleet: 3 Minors and
2 Oxfords, all in pristine condition.
Later that year I left for
, but did end up buying a Minor there in 1981. My father and two brothers bought
and restored 4 more Minors in the 1980's, including a 1951 Saloon. Now in 1992,
13 years after that photo, we just have two Minors in the family, a 1968 Saloon
and a 1963 Saloon in
. Of course, it's just a hobby for most people now and Minors are cult cars
throughout the world that fetch astonishing prices. However, I often look at
that photograph and remember the days when Morris was the first and last word in
dependable, inexpensive transportation in the Winkworth family.
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