Hatfield Polytechnic
Applied Chemistry Class 1973 - 1977


Hatfield Polytechnic in 1977, now the University of Hertfordshire

This is the full-time and part-time Applied Chemistry classes on a residential
course titled "Fringes of Knowledge" in Oxford during 1975. I remember we
watched the film "Demons of The Mind". Click here, here and here for more
on this Hammer Horror film.

Another photo of the full-time and part-time Applied Chemistry classes
on a residential course in Oxford during 1975. We were accompanied by
 Drs Ellam and Price-Jones. Click here for the agenda

Applied Chemistry Class on their Graduation Day in 1977. Everyone graduated.
Click here for the graduation list.

Jeremy with his parents outside the graduation hall.

Below is the programme for the graduation ceremony on November 11, 1977.

Below are my student union cards from 1973 to 1977

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